Mike Evans
Monitoring Division Field Services Manager
“Mike Evans is a natural problem solver, teacher, and leader.”
At Bay Alarm, we’re passionate about hiring great people with great values. People who work hard, are supportive of their teammates, and help to bring out the best in others. Mike embodies all these qualities.
Mike is a Bay Area native who’s been part of the Bay Alarm family for nearly 15 years. He’s always been in a role where he’s helping others solve problems—beginning in dispatch on the night shift before moving to tech support after seven years. What makes Mike so good at his job is that he thinks about the human parts of the equation, not just the mechanical ones. “Mike’s the kind of guy who teaches without you realizing you’re being taught.”
“Mike creates an environment that allows people to reach and stretch as far as they can go.”
Those who know him recognize him as a true leader. “We’ve gone through a lot of changes as a company and as a department, I’ve seen first-hand the longer people work with Mike, the more resilient they become. They’re able to adapt and understand more. That’s because Mike sees their potential, encourages them, and helps foster their growth.”
Right now, as our Monitoring Division Field Services Manager, Mike’s using all those problem-solving and leadership skills to help drive the roll-out of Bay Guard Live.
Mike, we’re so proud to have you as part of the Bay Alarm family.
Thank you for all you do!