An Overview of Virtual Keypad for Business Security Systems
The ‘System Overview’ page gives you quick access to the parts of your system you interact with the most. Just log in to your Virtual Keypad account to get started!
Once you connect to your system, you will be met with the ‘System Overview’ page. On this page, you will see things like Arming, History, and Doors.
At the top left, you will see the Arming section. This is where you can arm or disarm designated areas. If you would like to arm or disarm a specific area, simply click the shield icon next to the area’s name. If you would like to check the status of your zones, click on ‘Zone Status’ and it will pull that status from your panel.
Next to the Arming section is the History section, where you will see the most recent events on your system. Find more information on how to use the History section here.
In the section below Arming and History, you will see your Doors and their current status. You can click the ‘Unlock’ button to unlock a door and you click the ‘Access’ button to grant temporary access to a door.
And that is how you navigate the ‘System Overview’ page on!