Bay Alarm Helps Santa Clara County Fire Department Support Housing for Homeless Population

With California under shelter-in-place orders and everywhere across the nation practicing social distancing, Santa Clara County is taking action to help to slow the spread of COVID-19. Homeless shelters were becoming crowded, making social distancing near impossible. The county saw this problem and took quick action, designating an exhibit hall in the fairgrounds as a shelter.

The fairgrounds shelter is expected to house approximately 80 homeless individuals. In order to keep these people safe during this crisis, a new fire alarm system was needed. With time short, the county contacted Bay Alarm Company. Moving swiftly and nimbly, Bay Alarm was able to install and monitor the fire system in order to comply with fire codes, so that the housing could be occupied as quickly as possible.

“We were able to help our community in an extreme time of need as well as provide life safety protection to the people who will be sheltering at the fairgrounds for the foreseeable future.”

Jason Smith, Bay Alarm Branch Manager, Santa Clara

The county isn’t stopping there. They have already set up an additional fairground buildings for operations and overflow as well as working with local hotels and motels to help unhoused people find shelter.

As part of the communities that we live in and service, Bay alarm is humbled to help provide protection to our county in this time of need.

Read the article about the temporary housing at the Mercury News.

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